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February 2022 - Small Business Spotlight

Business: The Book Bar

Owner: Krystle Dandridge

Address: 1311 E Main St

Richmond, VA 23219

Phone: 609.314.3099

Move Virginia Team is so excited to spotlight our February Small Business, THE BOOK BAR.

"THE BOOK BAR is a Black-owned, woman-owned bookstore that centers Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC) authors and brands in an effort to uplift and support a culture that is often silenced." (website)

Christy had the opportunity to visit during the Grand Opening this past Saturday, February 8th and is so excited to share this Richmond gem. Congratulations to Krystle on the super successful opening!

Here's Krystle's story in her own words:

Krystle is a Jersey girl through and through, but has lived in RVA since 2008. She's been an avid reader for as long as she could read and found herself escaping into urban fiction literary works early in life as a way to cope and keep pushing forward after many life traumas. She has a doctoral degree in psychology and opened her therapy practice specializing in working with survivors of sexual trauma because…Me Too! With her desire to help others she started a nonprofit in 2019 to work with youth in South Africa after participating in a service trip to South Africa. Even though she loves both her practice and nonprofit work she wanted to do more. Then in 2020 COVID hit and shut the world down giving her time to consider what she wanted to do next. She always played with the idea of owning a bookstore and here in 2022 she has made the dream come true.

Make sure to visit The Book Bar this month during the inaugural weeks and forward . This store has it all; books, wine, skincare products, candles and more!! AND soon there will be a wine bar to accompany the already amazing feel and atmosphere of this space.

Also, take a minute to visit her website and give her a like and follow on her Facebook Business Page . You will not be disappointed!!

Congratulations Krystle!!

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